Life at Alitheon

Our team is a blend of diverse and unique individuals that each bring their own flavor of creative passion, grounded technical abilities, and detailed execution. Individually amazing, together we produce extra-ordinary things.

Our Values

Our values are how we live our lives both personally and professionally.

It is what you can expect from us every day.


  • We are true to ourselves and our values 
  • We express our true thoughts and feelings 
  • We acknowledge our own faults 
  • We do not apologize for our beliefs 
  • We are each unique and value each other's differences 


  • We work with precision 
  • We are open about our mistakes and we learn from them 
  • We combine strength, utility, and beauty 
  • We attend to the seams 
  • We focus on simplicity 


  • We are curious and step outside our comfort zone 
  • We ask and welcome questions 
  • We share our ideas and knowledge openly 
  • We have open and honest conversations, even when they are tough 
  • We act with integrity, empathy, courtesy, and respect
  • We work in the open


  • We challenge the status quo 
  • We work with a sense of urgency 
  • We act where we add the most value 
  • We seek possibilities and destroy roadblocks 
  • We deliver on our commitments

Alitheon and the Environment

As a software company, we don't have factories or produce a lot of emissions or environmental footprint. That said, we are cognizant of the environment we work and live in, and want to do our best to protect it. Each team member signs up to strive to identify and assess the risks of harm in their own work and surroundings, and those of Alitheon as a whole. Where possible and appropriate we will minimize waste in general, and harmful waste in particular. Minimize printing. Minimize purchases that are not required. Combine shipments if possible. Turn off lights when not in use. Shut down computers at the end of the day if not impacting our work. Do not waste water. We do our best.

Alitheon’s technology identifies parts by their own unique features so that no serial number is needed. The result is a new possibility for identifying parts, arguably better and more reliable than serial numbers.

modern machine shop

The FeaturePrint process allows the system to see an object once, and then verify it as often as needed over its lifetime.

SAE International